Woman sitting at table figuring out how to build a savings account.

Ways to boost your savings

Help build a stronger financial plan today with these ideas for building your savings.

谁需要帮助来改善他们的理财习惯? Almost everyone, it turns out. At the beginning of 2022, 64% of the U.S. 人们靠薪水过活. Not only that, but a 2022 press release from Lending Club indicates that 48% of American workers making more than $100,000人一年也只能靠薪水过活. This leaves little wiggle room for unexpected expenses — or achieving goals like buying a home, planning for retirement or traveling.

当然,解决办法是少花多存. Beginning to create a savings plan and build an emergency fund are crucial, but that can feel overwhelming. 那么,成功的储蓄者知道什么你可以用来创造 better money habits? It's helpful to break down attempts to change the spend-save cycle by creating bite-size goals.

Check your credit score... really

Good news: Surprisingly, 54%的美国人从不检查他们的信用评分. Experts recommend doing a check a few times a year from one or all of the three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion). Bonus: It's free. (If you check your credit score, it doesn't hurt your number; if a lender or credit card issuer does because you've applied for a new card, it might.)

How you'll save: Credit score checks 可以发现错误,包括你已经支付的账单. In addition, if you can improve your credit score and you're planning a big purchase this year, 你可以找个更好的利率来存钱. 或者如果你想降低信用卡债务, 较高的信用评分可能会让你获得较低的信用卡利率.


Save $5, or $50 — Choose an amount that you can contribute on a schedule that works best for you. To reinforce your savings habit, consider scheduling a specific day to put money aside. 比如发薪日,或者每隔一周的周五. Don’t forget to adjust your savings if you get a raise or other extra income.

How you'll save: With automation, a savings account can grow with little effort on your part. But where savings really start to shine is when you see the growth — thanks to compound interest — and how much closer you are to your savings goal. It can be easier not to spend on an impulse item if you know you’ll have to wait longer for that new car or another year for a house. And the earlier you start these habits, the more time your money has to grow before you need it.

Track one spending category for a week

If you've never set up a budget, then you might only have a rough idea of how much you're spending on necessities such as utilities and extras such as clothing. If you track one expense each week it can reveal where small expenses are adding up, 这不仅有助于你的预算建设, but your savings goals as well. You could decide to eliminate one take-out meal per week in order to bolster your house fund faster.

How you'll save: Count up your clothes budget. If you're like many Americans, you spend about $134 each month. If you trim it by just about $20 and add that to your emergency fund, you can reach that savings goal faster without having to sacrifice much. (专家建议大约三到六个月 salary stashed away for unexpected expenses.)

Spend 60 minutes on tax time

缓解一月份的疯狂抢购: Gather and organize receipts and figure out the deductions you have so far. Think about possible charitable deductions and tax-advantaged contributions.

How you'll save: If you avoid overreporting charitable contributions, you'll save a headache and potential fines if the IRS finds you in violation of established rules. 如果你知道如何扣除供款, including obtaining written statements, then you'll make sure to have the documentation you need in order to reap the most tax-time rewards.

Binge on canceling

Magazines, cable service: Examine your cable bill. How many stations do you really watch? Could you live with a smaller package?

How you'll save通过放弃付费渠道,你也许能够 save $5 - $20 each month. Returning any unused cable boxes or DVR can also help trim your monthly bill.

Give yourself a challenge

One we like: The 30-day nonessentials rule. 当你想买一些非必需品时, put it back on the shelf and only buy it a month later if you decide you still truly want it.

How you'll save: Money you don't spend is money you can decide to do something else with. 使挑战的结果切实可见, record the dollar amount of the thing you wanted to buy and transfer that total into your savings account.

Program your thermostat

Many of the best things for your finances are also the most adultlike — oil changes for your vehicle and thermostat programming. Maintenance pays off.

How you'll save: Set up times that boost your home temps in the summer and lower them in the winter when you're gone, 而且你的水电费可以减免10%.

Eat out one less time this week

The average American spends over $2,375 a year dining out -每人每周超过45美元. You could try your hand at meal planning and prep, not to mention packing a lunch,这可能会节省时间和最后一分钟的混乱.

How you'll save: Trim just one week a month and pop it into a savings account and you'll have almost $550 — enough for a pretty nice airline ticket. There are many 省钱又不牺牲乐趣的方法 with friends.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

State Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.

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