A credit score is displayed on a tablet device.

How to help build credit or 提高你的信用评分

Zero credit or bad credit isn’t an insurmountable hurdle. Here are ideas for how to build good credit.

在你生命中的某个时刻, 你可能想借钱买房子, 汽车还是船, 或者申请某种类型的贷款. Having healthy credit can make borrowing easier and cheaper. But for people who may already be struggling with too much debt, 一个糟糕的信用评分可能比他们想象的更接近——通过利用延迟支付账单或申请一张新信用卡来帮助弥合差距. 在光谱的另一端, 没有信用记录的人可能不确定如何建立一个坚实的财务基础,包括良好的信用评分.

你的 信用评分评级 决定了你能借多少钱,以及你要借多少钱. 在您的信用记录中使用的信息也被用作决定因素,不仅在获得信贷和贷款时, 但也可以发挥作用 租公寓 购买汽车pp王者电子官网.

建立信用记录或提高信用评分的步骤并不太难, 但这确实需要时间.


错误发生了,所以 检查你的信用报告 密切关注:

  • 不属于你的账户.
  • Accounts with the wrong account date or credit limit listed.
  • Names and Social 安全 numbers that aren't yours.
  • 地址,你从来没有住过.
  • 负面信息——比如超过7年的逾期付款(逾期付款只能在你的信用报告上合法保留7年).

根据公平信用报告法, the three national credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — along with your creditors, are responsible for correcting errors on your credit report. 的 美国联邦贸易委员会网站 是否有详细的纠正错误的步骤,以及争议信样本.

如果你发现了不属于你的账户并怀疑你是受害者 身份盗窃, it is often recommended to place a fraud alert on your credit report, close those accounts and file a police report and a complaint with the 联邦贸易委员会. To provide further protection, 状态 Farm® offers 身份恢复pp王者电子官网.


有几个因素 计入你的信用评分. 理解它是个好主意 这些对你的分数有什么影响 ——有好有坏.

您的付款记录: This looks at whether or not you pay your bills on time.

  • 提示: Always pay the minimum payment due on time. 注册自动/电子支付可以使这更容易记住.

您的信贷利用率: This measures how much credit you use compared to your credit limit.

  • 提示:使用少于 你总信用额度的30% -在你所有的牌上. If you use more credit, your credit score may be lowered.


  • 提示:而不是取消旧信用卡, 考虑让他们保持开放和活跃, 不用每天都用. 要做到这一点, 试着设置一个小的自动重复收费,你可以很容易地每月还清.

你的信用组合查看你使用的信贷类型:分期付款(有截止日期), think loans) or revolving (has no end date, 想想信用卡吧).

  • 提示: Don’t worry if you don’t have a mix of these accounts today. 当你购买大件物品,如汽车或房子时,分期付款账户可能会随着时间的推移而出现.

信用调查: This looks at how often you are applying for new credit.

  • 提示不要在短时间内申请或关闭多个信用账户. 这样做会降低你的信用评分.

了解更多关于 信用评分 as well as how they are determined and how common each category is.


有 several things you can do to start 建立信用记录.

  • 得到一个 担保信用卡. 这张卡在开户时为你的信用卡提供现金存款. 如果你没有在信用卡上付款, the card issuer will use the money in the deposit to pay the bill. If you ever close the card, you get your deposit back.
  • Become an authorized user on someone else’s card. 这将把该卡的支付历史应用到你的信用档案中——所以要确保主用户有按时支付该卡的良好历史记录.
  • 作为共同签署人——只要确保你们都明白,如果没有支付,你们都要对所欠的全部金额负责.
  • 申请信用贷款. 贷款人把钱存在一个账户里,直到贷款还清,然后你就能拿到资金.


是的,你可以 提高你的信用评分! 除了…之外 编制年度信用报告,这里有一些想法可以考虑.

  • Open accounts that report to the credit bureaus.
  • 支付你的信用卡或贷款账单 按时足额支付,每月一次. 如果你不能全额支付,至少在到期日之前支付最低到期金额. If you’ve missed payments, get current and stay current. Each on-time payment has a positive impact on your score. 如果你的付款晚了30天, it can be reported to the credit bureaus and damage your credit score. 设置自动支付最低到期金额,然后支付额外的金额,因为你有能力.
  • 如果可能的话,还清信用卡债务——或者把它和其他债务一起还清. 你的债务与信用比率是用来决定你的分数的——如果这些数字太接近的话, 你的分数会受到影响.
  • Avoid the temptation to fill out credit applications. 那些百货公司可能会给在他们那里刷卡的人打折, 但这对你的整体信用评分不利——而且可能会让你陷入更深的债务.


你必须使用信贷定期为债权人更新你的信用报告与当前, 准确的信息. 而用现金或借记卡支付可能更容易保持预算, a cash-only lifestyle does very little to 提高你的信用评分.

的 easiest way to use credit is with a credit card, 特别是如果你想提高你的分数来获得分期付款贷款的话. If you have an old credit card, start using it again responsibly. 长期的信用记录对你的信用评分是一个积极的决定因素, so making an inactive account active again may be advantageous.

虽然你需要定期使用信用卡,但只收取你能偿还的费用. 保持较低的信用余额,以免损害你的债务信用比.

Don’t purchase large items you can’t afford now

If you don’t have the money set aside for that flat-screen TV, paying for it with credit will cost you more in the long run. Think of your credit card as an extension of your checking account, and save up the cash for larger purchases before you swipe.


当你的月结单收到邮件时,检查一下,确保没有任何问题. 这也给了你一个记录消费模式的机会,如果你一直在努力支付账单,你就能看到你可以削减的地方.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 的 information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice. 请就您的具体情况咨询您的税务、法律或投资顾问.










Should I close my credit card after paying it off?

Keeping an old credit card open can 提高你的信用评分, but only if you can avoid the temptation to spend.




的 path to getting a mortgage isn't always a straight line.


Do you know your credit score and why it’s an important number? Do you know how to get a credit report and score? 要知道的东西很多. 让我们深入了解这一切.