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When starting your business, 你需要分开资金,并回答诸如“我应该得到多少报酬??" or "How many hours should I work?"

How much should I get paid?

You're a business, so it's best to price it right. 你终于完成了客户的项目——帮助改善这个人的时间管理不是一件容易的事, but you did it. 然后你看着你的发票想,“等等,这就是我得到的钱? But I put in waaay more time and effort than that."

Don't worry. 计算出你的服务价格需要时间和练习. 有一些方法可以使这个过程更顺利,并消除面部手掌的瞬间. Start by asking the following:

Ask Yourself: How much do I need to live? 我能工作多少小时才会感到精疲力竭?


  1. Determine the need - What do I need to get by each month? 你每周需要1000美元来支付房租和其他开销吗?
  2. Determine capacity - How much can I work and stay balanced? 40个小时后,你会被会议、邮件和设计搞得筋疲力尽吗?
  3. Divide need by capacity - If you need $1,000 and have 40 hours capacity, you'll need to charge at least $25 per hour for your time.

That's all there is to it. It's what you need to live and how much you can give. 这里最重要的是不要卖空你的服务, and only you can decide what the right amount is for you. Take pride in what you do and let your services show it. Remember this: You're a business just like the big guys. Price your needs and capacity accordingly.

Separate your personal and business finances

如果你是工作方面的专家,而不是小企业财务方面的专家, 别担心:我们有一些简单的建议,可以让你在工作时获得成功 start your business 所以你可以专注于编辑婚礼视频和/或烘焙美味的苹果挞.

Separate your business and personal expenses, 最理想的是从创业之初开始。虽然把所有的资金放在一起可能很诱人, 尤其是在一开始没有太多商业开支的情况下, it won't be simpler down the road. From taxes to future investors to your own memory, 将你的业务和个人开支放在一个单独的账户或电子表格中,有助于减少未来的财务焦虑.

Why it works

Come tax time, 你会想要一个记录,哪些是你的业务支出,哪些是你自己的支出. 提前把它们分开会让4月15日变得轻松,也会让你走上正确的道路,确保你和你的企业获得最大的纳税回报.

Try this

  1. Open a separate small business checking account. 许多银行提供特殊的小企业账户(附带津贴)!),这可以帮助你将商业开支与个人开支分开. With a separate account, and a separate credit or debit card connected, you'll have a log of all your business's costs. 结账的时候一定要用对卡, 如果你把工作和娱乐混在一起,要求两笔单独的交易.
  2. Keep a business expenses spreadsheetIf you'd rather not open a new account, 用老派的方法:保持一个电子表格并不断更新它. A simple workbook with the date, merchant, 成本和快速描述将为您节省大量的时间来交税. Plus, you want to keep clean records 这样你就可以最大限度地减少税收,从而获得潜在的退税.
  3. 了解你是否需要为你的企业单独提交一份纳税申报表. 根据你的小企业类型和规模,你可能需要为它单独提交一份纳税申报表. 在其他情况下,你的小企业只是你个人纳税申报表的一个单独部分. Either way, having separate records will come in handy.

既然你已经了解了你的服务和想法应该收取多少费用,那么就可以将你的个人财务和商业财务分开, learn more tips for your small business needs from Simple Insights.

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Neither State Farm® nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

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