
Strategies to save for a house


为房子的首付款存钱有很多好处. For instance, 更高的首付可以帮助你获得更好的抵押贷款利率, lower payments or a more expensive house. 如果你能付20%的首付买房子,你就能省下很多钱. 这不仅是因为你不需要为你不需要融资的部分支付利息, but you’d also avoid PMI (私人抵押贷款pp王者电子官网),这将减少一笔付款. Saving for a down payment takes effort, 所以这里有一些建议可以帮助你实现你的首付目标.

Find your mortgage ballpark

一个在线抵押计算器会估算出你能花多少钱. 即使在固定利率的抵押贷款下,你的还款会保持不变, other house related expenses could change. 确保你的预算能负担其他费用,比如税收, utilities and maintenance costs, all of which could rise over time. There are costs in the buying process too, such as inspections.

Boost your down payment

If you can pay 20% of your home’s price, 你会得到一个更好的利率和消除PMI, which bumps up your monthly payment. 如果你不能,你并不孤单——平均首付款是 reported to be around 12%. 一旦你还清了房子评估价值的20%, you should ask to have the PMI removed, which can help you save even more.


One habit you can drop early in your home buying process: eating out — put that money away in a house-savings fund. Take your lunch to work rather than paying retail for your food. Look for savings elsewhere, too. 当你的车坏了,买一辆二手车而不是一辆新的.

Calculate how to save money

决定你想存多少首付款可能会很复杂. How much down payment do you want to save? How much time do you want to spend saving? 你愿意牺牲多少来节省这笔钱? A lot is involved in answering these questions. There is a calulator that can help with this. In place of the "retirement age" section, 只要写下你存了那么多钱想要的年龄,然后 this calculator 能告诉你如何移动这些“杠杆”来影响你的目标吗.


15年期固定贷款的利率较低,而30年期贷款则给你更多的回旋余地. 在任何一种情况下,支付额外的本金可以节省数千美元. Check if your lender offers a bi-weekly program, 哪一个是一个预算友好的方式来支付你的本金,每两周支付抵押贷款. With bi-weekly payments, 你每年将额外支付一笔抵押贷款, which could be applied towards the principal. 这可以让你提前还清你的房子,并在贷款过程中支付更少的利息.

Budget now for the things that go along with a home

除了为首付存钱,现在就为房子和它的维护费存钱. 在网上搜索家庭系统的预期寿命,以及 开始存钱,以便在更换大件物品的时候有所帮助 such as central air or the roof.

州和联邦计划提供补助金(是的,免费的钱)和更多. One U.S. 农业部的计划要求在指定的农村地区不需要首付. And the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers teachers, Law enforcement officers, 消防员和紧急医疗技术人员在复兴地区购买房屋可享受五折优惠. 查看HUD网站,了解各州的援助计划. 在你决定买房之后,请随时联系a State Farm® agent to help you protect your home and your belongings.



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