Flowers 和 an air conditioning unit outside a brick house.



With our busy lives 和 time that seems to pass quickly, it is important to make time for home safety. 考虑每年选一天, or choose two days 和 split your list in half, to check these things around your house 和 review with your family.


It's recommended that batteries be replaced in all 烟雾探测器一氧化碳(CO)探测器 至少一年一次(或者更早,如果它“唧唧”地告诉你电池快没电了). 也建议老年人 烟雾探测器 be replaced every 10 years, CO detectors be replaced every 5 years.

Install smoke alarms 和 CO alarms inside 和 outside of bedrooms, plus at least one on each floor of the home, 包括地下室. 如果可能的话, 使用相互连接的烟雾和一氧化碳警报器,当一个警报器响起时,所有连接的警报器都会响起. 每个月测试一下警报器,这样你的家人就会熟悉它的声音. Also, discuss what to do if the alarms ever go off. (Immediately exit the home 和 call the fire department.)

请注意如果你的家使用天然气做饭,一氧化碳探测器尤其重要, 加热, 或者有一个附属车库. 一氧化碳被称为无声杀手,是一种无色无味的气体,即使是少量的也会有毒.

Perform a maintenance check on your 灭火器

检查你所有的 灭火器 are in working condition 和 easily accessible. Don’t forget to replace old ones as necessary.

平均 厨房 is full of fire hazards 和 flammable risks. 你可以通过在厨房(大多数火灾发生的地方)和车库(经常存放易燃化学品的地方)放置便携式灭火器来阻止小火灾蔓延到整个房子。. 考虑在家里的每层楼都增加一个,放在显眼的地方,靠近出口. 每月检查灭火器,确保压力表在绿色区域, the pin 和 tamper seal are intact 和 t在这里 are no dents, 漏水或锈迹. 如有缺陷,请更换. A fire extinguisher is only as effective as the person using it. Remind your family today about the PASS technique:

  • Pull the pin to release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low, pointing the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • 缓慢而均匀地挤压杠杆.
  • 把喷嘴从一边扫到另一边.

Extinguishers should only be used on small, confined fires. If a fire is growing, get out of the house.

Review your family's 紧急疏散计划

花几分钟把你的 紧急疏散计划 with your family so everyone knows what to do if something happens.


During a fire, t在这里 may not be a clear path out every door. You need a second way out of any room, that may be a window in a second story bedroom or other space. Place a fire escape ladder near a window in each upstairs room, practice with family members w在这里 to find 和 how to use them.


Before heading down the stairs, stop 和 look around. 楼梯井是家庭紧急逃生路线的重要组成部分. 通过修理或拧紧松动的台阶和扶手来防止危险的坠落. 如果楼梯没有铺地毯,你可以考虑加一些防滑的地板、胶带或油漆. 如果你只依靠硬连线顶灯来照亮你的楼梯间, the area will be dark during a power outage. Consider installing battery-operated, motion-activated step lights. If you already have them, check whether batteries need replacing.


检查你的 应急包 are fully stocked 和 nothing has expired.


当你在家里走动时,要留意潜在的中毒风险. 的 厨房车库 浴室通常是 药物, cleaners 和 other toxic products that can harm children 和 宠物. 把这些物品存放在有锁或安全门闩的橱柜里,让他们拿不到.


雇一个有资质的烟囱清洁工来检查和清理所有连接壁炉的烟囱 烧木料炉灶. Fireplaces 和 加热 elements are a leading cause of home fires in the U.S. 通过确保防火屏正常工作和移动所有易燃材料(地毯)来减少引起火灾的火花的威胁, 家具, 窗帘, 等.) 至少36英寸远 从火箱里出来.

Get your 加热, ventilation 和 air conditioning (HVAC) checked

聘请有资格的技术人员对您的设备进行年度维护检查 空调 (AC).

It's easy to forget how much we rely on the hardworking 炉. 除了每年由专业人员检查外,您还应该检查过滤器. 如果脏了,就换掉. (Change filters every one to three months.) Clogged filters slow air flow 和 can bump up your 能源法案. 过多的污垢堆积会使系统瘫痪,可能需要花费大量的钱来修复.

And no one wants to be without the AC when it’s hot outside. 关闭电源后,更换过滤器,以减少能量消耗. (Try to do this every month during the cooling season.)用花园软管清洁冷凝器盘管,防止过热. 然后在机器周围清理两英尺的区域,以避免灰尘和碎片堆积,从而使机器陷入困境. 通过一个硬电线通过单位的排水通道,以摆脱任何堵塞,这可能会增加 室内湿度. 现在你可以重新打开电源了. Don't forget to cover the unit when you turn it off for the winter.

Inspect your water heater 和 plumbing

聘请一名合格的水管工每年检查你的热水器和其他管道,以帮助避免潜在的问题. 你也可以把你的 把热水器放在毯子里,售价约为20美元. (Some utilities offer them for free or at a reduced cost.)根据… 节省能源, an insulated water heater can cut 4% to 9% in water 加热 costs.

  • energsaver提供以下安装说明:关闭热水器或将燃气热水器上的燃气旋钮转到“先导”位置。. 用美工刀或剪刀把毯子剪成合适的尺寸(不能盖住毯子的顶部). Cut out an area for the control panel, pipe, valve 和 burner. 用胶带固定好,打开热水器(不高于华氏130度).


许多美国人使用公共用水, 但如果你是一个私人井主, you're responsible for the quality of the water you drink. 检查你的井是否有裂缝、腐蚀、破损或缺失的部件和适当的径流. 还可以打电话给国家认证的实验室,检查水中的硝酸盐和大肠菌群.


Because radon levels can change over time, 您可能希望每年或每隔几年对您的家庭进行一次氡测试,以帮助识别和解决可能危及您家人健康的任何问题.


Once a year, preferably before your area's rainy season, 检查你的水泵. 坑内应无杂物,管道应畅通,以便水流畅通. 如果有什么不工作,检查电源,然后打电话给专业人士.


Take some time to inspect all areas of your home, 内外兼备, from the safest accessible place near the attic 和 屋顶到地下室去. 检查所有墙壁, 天花板, 地板和楼梯, for signs of structural damage such as cracks, 滴漏.

Check out these other great articles for more 关于维护房屋的小贴士.

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帮助 keep your home 炉 running smoothly 和 efficiently.

How to clean gutters 和 downspouts safely

定期清理排水沟可以帮助你避免昂贵的房屋和庭院维修费用. 学习安全清洁排水沟的方法.

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