Family of four sitting on the back of their van.


Just arrived in this country and want to drive? Learn about car insurance for foreign drivers as soon as possible.

Car insurance for foreign drivers

Well, you made it to the U.S. Welcome! Whether you're here visiting or starting a brand new life, 你首先想到的一件事肯定是会开车. Clearly, having a driver's license will be the first step. 但是,与许多其他国家不同的是,在美国,除了要有执照之外.S., you're required to have auto insurance in order to drive, in most states. We've gathered helpful information to assist you. The road awaits. Let's get started.

Driver's licenses and car insurance for immigrants

Here in the U.S., 每个人开车前都需要两样东西驾照和, in most states, vehicle insurance. 这两者的规则根据你所居住的州而不同. 通常是DMV(机动车辆管理局),它负责发放许可证, 车牌和车辆名称)要求你有一个社会安全号码,以便获得许可证. However, don't get too discouraged if you don't have one. 越来越多的州能够帮助人们获得驾驶执照. 查看你居住的州的规定,看看你是否符合资格.


Yes, it’s possible. 这取决于你来自哪个国家,以及你在美国开车经过哪个州.S., you may be able to use your home country’s driver’s license. In addition, you can obtain an international driver’s license which will allow you to drive in the U.S. and many other countries. If driving on your country’s license, it may only be allowed for three months, where an IDP could allow up to one year.

有些pp王者电子官网公司不为外国司机投保. Most major companies, including State Farm®, do insure those that meet the state requirements.

Car insurance: Do I need to start from scratch?

When it comes to car insurance, everything depends on the coverage that you choose虽然pp王者电子官网公司一开始可能会多收一些钱. 如果你在另一个国家有多年的驾驶经验也没关系. When you don't have a driving history established in the U.S., you're considered a "new driver."

Who does car insurance help protect?

你有没有想过为什么在美国开车必须买汽车pp王者电子官网.S.? While it may seem a bit of an exaggeration, 每当一个人开车时,他们就把自己暴露在发生事故的危险之中. If this were to happen to you and you didn't have insurance, you might have to pay out-of-pocket not only for repairs, but also for medical expenses for both you and the other person. 你现在可能已经知道这些东西在这里要花多少钱了. 换句话说,你辛苦挣来的积蓄可能会花在一场车祸上. 责任pp王者电子官网帮助保护您和您的家人在您选择的政策限额范围内的过错损害赔偿.

The minimum required... it's not the same everywhere

Now, practically all of the states require that you have at least liability coverage, 如果你被认为在事故中有过错,一般由哪个公司支付财产损失和受伤的医疗费用.

Liability coverage only covers expenses caused by you to others... and not your own. Some states have minimum coverage requirements. Coverage for your own medical expenses is called Personal Injury Protection (PIP), or Medical Payments Coverage (MPC). 你可以获得哪些pp王者电子官网取决于你在哪个州寻求pp王者电子官网. 在某些州,比如密歇根州、特拉华州、佛罗里达州、纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州等. — it's mandatory in addition to liability coverage. 即使你投保了PIP或MPC,在发生事故时,你的汽车的损坏也不包括在内. You would need collision coverage for your car, which is not mandatory in any of the states. 但如果你出了车祸却没钱修理你的车,你可能会想要考虑这个pp王者电子官网.

If you'd like to find out more on the topic, State Farm provides information on various types of coverage to assist you in making the right decisions.

Other minimum coverages

除了责任pp王者电子官网(财产损失和他人身体伤害的pp王者电子官网)和PIPpp王者电子官网, one or more additional coverages are required in states like New York, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and North Carolina, among others. 其中最重要的是未投保和投保不足. With both, 你有pp王者电子官网,以防你和没有pp王者电子官网的人发生问题,或者pp王者电子官网范围很小,不包括由此造成的损害或医疗费用.


Ok, 假设这些都不足够令人信服你认为你可以不出事故地开车. 你可能会因为任何其他原因被警察拦下, if you're driving without insurance, may have to pay fines ranging from $50 to several thousands of dollars. Even worse: If they catch you doing it more than once, 你的执照和注册可能会被暂停或吊销.

In short, when it comes to insurance in the U.S., there's a lot to learn. You don't need to know it all, though. A State Farm agent can help explain often in the language that you speak. 有很多会说两种语言或有会说两种语言的工作人员的中介,他们都随时准备伸出援助之手.

What if I’m vacationing from Canada?

If you have a Canadian driver’s license and insurance, 你可以在度假时使用你现有的加拿大pp王者电子官网和驾照在美国开车. If you are moving to the U.S. you’ll need to register your car at the DMV of your new home state and obtain insurance.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

Neither State Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
State Farm Indemnity Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
Richardson, TX

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